Talk Yourself Into Success and Get the Outcomes You Desire
In this course, powerful tools will be presented and explored that have the potential to create an ease and forward movement in your life. For example, saying no when you mean no and yes when you mean yes. One more golden nugget…the thoughts you think followed by the words you speak, create your reality, moment by moment.
This course will focus on:
Positive Self-Talk Strategies and Self-Care
Resilience Techniques
Influence of Change and Transition
Attendee Testimonial
“I have been pondering what I hope to get out of the webinar. Before the class began, I wasn’t sure how much I needed more positive self talk. I was already working on it somewhat, doing positive affirmations in the mirror most mornings. However, since the webinar, I see there are many more opportunities to change my self talk than I had realized. It has been eye-opening.”
Coming Soon!
You can also purchase my book, Talk Yourself Into Success on Amazon