Electronic Overload: How to Spot It, How to Overcome It

Do you suffer from electronic overload? Lately, wherever I have been – coffee shops, restaurants, in cars, at the park, and even the library, I have made it a practice to see what people are doing. Here’s what I observed: nonstop electronic overload.

People were speaking, messaging, plugged into music or fiddling with apps on their smartphones, iPads, laptops, iPods, you name it. Ranging from teens to adults, people seemed occupied with if not totally consumed by their electronic gadgets. Even children were more likely to be playing games on their latest electronic toys than doing anything else.

With the constant barrage of media coming at us these days, which also includes television, radio, social media, and that endless flow of emails, more of us are finding it hard to pull away from our gadgets and step back into what used to be the real world.

Today, there doesn’t seem to be any downtime from the endless electronic onslaught. Even when people stopping “doing” this message or that app, they feel they should be doing something. This frantic mode of operation doesn’t give us a chance to wind down and truly relax. In today’s society, I imagine we should emphasize “relax” as a verb.

One wonders: what does all this nonstop messaging, chatting, emailing, texting actually accomplish in the end? Are we getting more done today with all these devices at home or at work than we were, say, ten years ago when such equipment options were less ubiquitous?

How do you relax and unwind during a busy week? What do you do to take care of yourself? Here are a few suggestions for improving that situation:

  1. Set boundaries and limits to ensure you take time for yourself. Chances are if you don’t establish a “me” time, it won’t happen.
  2. Schedule some of that “me” time to sit quietly and do not do anything.
  3. Focus in instead of out on everyone else. It’s okay to be a little selfish. Focusing on yourself and recharging your battery will allow you the energy, patience, and enjoyment of being there for others.
  4. Establish a policy in your household that there will be no electronic gadgets at mealtime so you are present and in the moment, and not distracted and disconnected. One of the greatest values of sitting down to a meal together is to connect and catch up with each other. While often neglected in modern families, this is incredibly valuable time. Don’t miss out on the opportunity.
  5. Schedule a massage. It is healthy for us mentally and physically. Electronic items are not allowed!
  6. Go out and enter into nature. A park or someplace similar is a great place to clear your head. If you have to take a phone with you, always turn it off unless you’re involved in an ongoing emergency situation.
  7. Get the sleep your body requires. This is crucial. Sleep deprivation has us feel foggy and grouchy. The appropriate amount of sleep for each person helps maintain clarity and focus. We need enough sleep to stay healthy.
  8. Do breathing exercises. Feel free to contact me and I will send you an exercise or walk you through one. Deep breathing allows you to get some toxins out of your body.

For more information or to get your complimentary breathing exercise, contact Susan by phone or email. [email protected] 
301-706-7226  & 703-574-0039