Reset for your good health!

It is an understatement to say that the pandemic has taken its toll on all of us.  Everyone has been affected in some way, shape, or form, and tested our resiliency.  Turning on the news for five minutes will make you want to turn it off.  But we are strong and can get through this together, one day at a time.  I wanted to share some ideas and suggestions for simple things we can all do each day to keep our own spirits high and hopefully raise the energy of those around us.  

For my own mental wellness, I have been incorporating some easy and small things into my daily routine to improve my mood.  Doing these things consistently, even on days when it is hard, has been incredibly helpful.  Whether it is getting some fresh air and sunshine for 20-30 minutes per day, cooking a new (or old) recipe I enjoy, FaceTiming with my loved ones, going for a walk or exercising, practicing gratitude and meditation, or saying positive things to myself.  No matter how I was feeling beforehand, I always feel better afterward and the cumulative effect over time is inspiring.

Now part of what makes me feel good is feeling connected to others.  And during this time when everyone is dealing with their own struggles and possibly far away from family or friends, feeling connected is more important than ever.  And this can be as simple as saying hello to your neighbor, smiling at someone you pass by on the street, opening the door for a stranger, asking how the checkout or delivery person is doing or calling a friend or family member to catch up.  It does not take much to make someone else’s day, and in turn, it can make your day as well!

As we navigate this together in real-time, make sure to find the little things that keep you positive and energized, and help to put a smile on your face and those around you.  Compassion and kindness are free, so have a great day and week ahead, and remember to Take Command of Your Life!

The only person you can control in the world is yourself. Here are some tips to make life easier:

  • Smile through your mask -you can see a smile through the mask
  • Open the door for someone
  • Say ‘hello’
  • Practice gratitude
  • Watch a silly movie
  • Laugh
  • Treat yourself and others with compassion and kindness.
  • Build your resilience – view things as stepping-stones rather than obstacles
  • Have a positive mindset
  • Connect through technology if you cannot in person
  • Do something that makes you feel productive

Live your best life!

Making Adjustments and Choosing to Stay Motivated During Covid

By now, most people realize that there is no end in sight for the Coronavirus. One day the numbers go down in people contracting the virus and then a surge is announced with numbers going up. No end in sight can result in people feeling down or anxious, and while that is one choice, there are other perspectives. 

The choice I’m making for myself, and in guiding my clients, is to focus on staying motivated, being productive, and socially connected. While we all have to make adjustments in life, health, and business, we must also hold onto whatever is positive.

Here are a few tips that are easy to follow:

Don’t be a news junkie – If you’re addicted to the new, there’s a good chance you’re feeling down. Try to minimize the amount of time your spending listening or watching the news. Don’t watch or listen before you go to sleep because that’s what you’ll be processing the whole night.

Set goals each day. Even if you’re productivity is not at its peak right now, the sense of accomplishment feels good, no matter how small it is! 

Make sure you are taking breaks throughout the day. While working at home is difficult for some (ability to focus and be disciplined), overworking can be an issue for others. Making a schedule can help you integrate your work and personal life.

Watch your energy level. Be aware whether you are feeling depleted or energized so that you can make the appropriate adjustments to your life.

Plan Face-Time or Zoom calls to stay socially and professionally connected.

Take care of your fitness. If you can spare some room, try an at-home fitness area. Order a mat, some hand weights, and bands for the legs. There are online fitness classes or make up your own routine.

Follow the guidelines with social distancing and stay healthy. 


How Do You Cultivate Trust?

I was recently in a meeting where the owner of the business was talking about trust. It was music to my ears when, at the same time, he and I mentioned transparency… a main ingredient in the trust recipe. Successful leaders (and I believe leadership is within all of us and occurs at all levels), whether they are leading an organization, a group they belong to, or leading their family, have enhanced success when they are transparent, that is, open, honest, and clear.

Trust is a foundational element in everything we do. It is the cement that holds everything together. It takes time to develop trust. We have to be willing to show vulnerability.

According to Management Concepts, “When you trust someone, what you make vulnerable can range from concrete things such as money, a job, a promotion, or a particular goal, to less tangible things such as a belief you hold, a cherished way of doing things, your ‘good’ name, or even your sense of happiness and well-being.”  (Side note: To learn more about vulnerability look at the works of Brene Brown.)

Think of someone in your life that you trust. What is it that allows you to trust them? What exactly is it that they do?

I look at what people say, but more, what they do. In other words, do their actions match their words? I believe that when the words and actions match, that is “being in integrity.” Is the person honest? Are they being transparent?

Trust builds for different people in different ways. Some people trust quickly, and then, if there is a break in that trust the relationship shifts; while others look for the other person to earn their trust, experience by experience, forming a strong foundation for their relationship.

When we trust, we feel more comfortable and tend to share more. We are more willing to take risks and feel more confident with the people we trust. How much we trust and the way we trust depends on the relationships and experiences we’ve had.

As you build trust in your relationships, it generally is reciprocal and easier to trust with each experience. Collaboration is built on trust.

It is clear that without trust relationships don’t grow. Growth is sustained as time goes on, and, when someone breaks a trust we see it as a threat, and we then have less confidence in that person. Moving through the disappointment, we go into a protective mode that can drain and deplete our energy. The result can be very damaging, because of the loss – we can be temporarily less productive, have a lower morale, and even question our own judgment.

The upside however is great. Trust makes it easier to go through change and transition. We are less resistant and stronger in our beliefs.

What does trust look like to you?

Here are a few criteria to look at:

Mutual Respect: one of the most important blocks of our ABC’s. It is a behavior that is found in healthy relationships. When there’s mutual respect, it reduces stress, conflict, and increases communication, productivity, knowledge and understanding.

Character of a Person: consists of qualities that make them distinct from other people. In this case, being trustworthy, honesty, being a good person.

Reliability: being dependable, meeting commitments, and following through.

Consistency: always accurate and fair; what is said and the message delivered doesn’t contradict what was previously said, and the message is clear and the same.

Sincerity: as the saying goes, you say what you mean and you mean what you say; when someone expresses an opinion, it is known to be truly their own.

Competence: the ability, skill, and capacity to carry out what you say you’ll do.

Trust Your Gut: In different situations we get a signal from our gut intuition, something either feels right or it doesn’t. This creates a feeling of dissonance or resonance. It can make us wonder if we can trust or not.

Don’t ignore the signal that you feel in your body.

I feel dissonance in my gut. Others may feel it in other parts of their body. Don’t ignore this feeling. Use it as a guide. Trust yourself!